You are here: About document workflow types > Understanding workflow definitions > Creating and editing workflow definitions > Drawing a workflow diagram

Drawing a workflow diagram

You define the workflow of a workflow definition or a work area template by first drawing a workflow diagram in Configurator. You can then edit the diagram’s symbols to specify the options for the workflow’s states and transitions.

To draw a workflow diagram:

  1. In Configurator, select the workflow definition or work area template in the configuration tree that you want to edit.
  2. Click the States tab. A graphic of the current workflow appears. A simple default workflow that you can edit is created for new workflow definitions and work area templates.
  3. Click the Edit button to modify the workflow.
  4. Add or remove states and transitions from the workflow graphic using the toolbar buttons to achieve the desired workflow. Right-click anywhere in the graphic area to show a shortcut menu from which you can select the Grid and Zoom tools. The toolbar buttons are described in the following table.
Workflow editor toolbar buttons
Icon Name Description


Use to select and manipulate the workflow objects. Select objects and drag them when the cursor becomes a four-headed arrow to move them. Select an object to display its handles . Select and drag handles when the mouse cursor looks like this to stretch the object. Double-click an object to view its properties. Drag a fence with this tool to select multiple objects.

Create New Intermediate State

Creates an intermediate (not start or end) state. With this tool selected, click the location in the workflow where you want to add a new state. For information about configuring the many workflow state options of a workflow definition, see Creating and editing states. For information about configuring the many workflow state options of a work area template, see Creating and editing work area states.

Create New End State

Creates a workflow end state. With this tool selected, click the location in the workflow where you want to add an end state. For information about configuring the many workflow state options of a workflow definition, see Creating and editing states. For information about configuring the many workflow state options of a work area template, see Creating and editing work area states.

Create New Transition

Creates a transition between two states. With this tool selected, click the source state and then click the destination state. If you click in empty space before clicking the destination state, a vertex is added to the transition line. This is useful to route transitions around other state shapes and transitions. Click the same state as both the source state and end state to create a forwarding transition. Forwarding transitions are useful to route documents to a different to-do person without changing the current state. The transition will still be added to the document’s Comment log for tracking and auditing purposes. For information about configuring the many workflow transition options of a workflow definition, see Creating and editing transitions. For information about configuring the many workflow state options of a work area template, see Creating and editing work area transitions.

View Properties

Shows state and transition properties. You can also double-click an object to show its properties.

Delete Selection

Deletes states or transitions from the workflow. You cannot delete the start state. Select the objects to delete and then click this button. A confirmation dialog will appear.

  1. Click the OK button to save your changes.

Related concepts

Understanding workflow definitions